SGPA To Percentage

Easily Convert Your SGPA In Percentage for Better Academic Clarity.

SGPA to Percentage Calculator

What is an SGPA to Percentage Calculator?

An SGPA-to-percentage calculator is designed to calculate SGPA (semester grade point average) into percentages.

sgpa to percentage calculator

What is SGPA

SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point average. Institutions use this grading parameter to grade students’ performance over a semester. The SGPA is used most commonly by colleges and institutions, but not all of them. Students always need or ask for a calculator that converts these SGPA percentage points.

sgpa to percentage

What is the Percentage?

A percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100. For example, 70 percent means 70 marks out of 100. To convert your CGPA into a percentage, our CGPA to Percentage Calculator can help you quickly get accurate results.

Percentage Formula:

Divide the number of numerators by the number of denominators and multiply it by 100.


If a student achieves 75 marks out of 100, then its percentage can be calculated like this: 75/100*100=75%

Elements of SGPA

These are the following 4 elements of Sgpa (Semester Grade Point Average):

elements of sgpa


In all institutes and colleges, one semester lasts six months and is also known as the academic term for academics.


It shows how much score a student receives in each course.

Credit Hours

This indicates how many credits are allotted to each course as well as how much time and effort is spent on each subject.

Grade Points

A grade point is a number used to evaluate academic performance and is appended to a letter grade. 

How To Calculate SGPA into Percentage

how to calculate sgpa

Before calculating your percentage, you must determine your SGPA by following these simple procedures.

  • Multiplying each course grade point by credit hours is the first step.
  • Add all these values together in the second step.
  • Divide all these values by their credit hours in the third step.

For Example

I am taking three courses.

  1. Course 1 is 3 credits, and I got an A.
  2. Course 2 is 4 credits, and I received a grade of B.
  3. Course 3 is 2 credits. I also received an A.

First Step

Multiplying each course grade point by credit hours.

  • Subject 1: 4×3=12
  • Subject 2: 3×4=12
  • Subject 3: 4×2=8

Add Values Together

Now, add these values together


Divide by Total Credit Hours

Plus all the Total credit hours: 3+4+2=9

SGPA= 32/9 =3.56

Here is the formula to determine your SGPA

SGPA = Sum of grade points / Sum of credit points
= 32/9 = 3.56

How to Convert SGPA to Percentage?

Follow these steps to calculate and convert your SGPA to a percentage.

  1. Calculate your SGPA for all semesters.
  2. The sum of all these calculates Sgpa’s
  3. Divide the summation of Sgpa by the semesters that have been completed

Use this calculator to convert your percentage back to sgpa.

Example of SGPA to Percentage Calculation


8.5(8.5 – 0.75) * 1077.5%
9.2(9.2 – 0.75) * 1084.5%
7.8(7.8 – 0.75) * 1070.5%
8.0(8.0 – 0.75) * 1072.5%

More Examples

SGPA: 9.2

  • Calculation: (9.2×10)−7.5=92−7.5=84.5%
  • Percentage: 84.5%

SGPA: 8.93

  • Calculation: (8.93×10)−7.5=89.3−7.5=81.8%
  • Percentage: 81.8%


  • Calculation: (8.0×10)−7.5=80−7.5=72.5%
  • Percentage: 72.5%

SGPA: 7.46

  • Calculation: (7.46×10)−7.5=74.6−7.5=67.1%
  • Percentage: 67.1%

SGPA: 8.50

  • Calculation: (8.50×10)−7.5=85−7.5=77.5%
  • Percentage: 77.5%

SGPA: 6.00

  • Calculation: (6.00×10)−7.5=60−7.5=52.5%
  • Percentage: 52.5%

SGPA: 6.67

  • Calculation: (6.67×10)−7.5=66.7−7.5=59.2%
  • Percentage: 59.2%

SGPA: 7.40

  • Calculation: (7.40×10)−7.5=74−7.5=66.5%
  • Percentage: 66.5%

SGPA: 8.67

  • Calculation: (8.67×10)−7.5=86.7−7.5=79.2%
  • Percentage: 79.2%

SGPA: 0.9

  • Calculation: (0.9×10)−7.5=9−7.5=1.5%
  • Percentage: 1.5%

Conversion table of SGPA to Percentage By 10

SGPA (Out of 10)Percentage (%)
10 SGPA in Percentage92.5%
9.9 SGPA in Percentage91.5%
9.8 SGPA in Percentage90.5%
9.7 SGPA in Percentage89.5%
9.6 SGPA in Percentage88.5%
9.5 SGPA in Percentage87.5%
9.4 SGPA in Percentage86.5%
9.3 SGPA in Percentage85.5%
9.2 SGPA in Percentage84.5%
9.1 SGPA in Percentage83.5%
9.0 SGPA in Percentage82.5%
8.9 SGPA in Percentage81.5%
8.8 SGPA in Percentage80.5%
8.7 SGPA in Percentage79.5%
8.6 SGPA in Percentage78.5%
8.5 SGPA in Percentage77.5%
8.4 SGPA in Percentage76.5%
8.3 SGPA in Percentage75.5%
8.2 SGPA in Percentage74.5%
8.1 SGPA in Percentage73.5%
8.0 SGPA in Percentage72.5%
7.9 SGPA in Percentage71.5%
7.8 SGPA in Percentage70.5%
7.7 SGPA in Percentage69.5%
7.6 SGPA in Percentage68.5%
7.5 SGPA in Percentage67.5%
7.4 SGPA in Percentage66.5%
7.3 SGPA in Percentage65.5%
7.2 SGPA in Percentage64.5%
7.1 SGPA in Percentage63.5%
7.0 SGPA in Percentage62.5%
6.9 SGPA in Percentage61.5%
6.8 SGPA in Percentage60.5%
6.7 SGPA in Percentage59.5%
6.6 SGPA in Percentage58.5%
6.5 SGPA in Percentage57.5%
6.4 SGPA in Percentage56.5%
6.3 SGPA in Percentage55.5%
6.2 SGPA in Percentage54.5%
6.1 SGPA in Percentage53.5%
6.0 SGPA in Percentage52.5%
5.9 SGPA in Percentage51.5%
5.8 SGPA in Percentage50.5%
5.7 SGPA in Percentage49.5%
5.6 SGPA in Percentage48.5%
5.5 SGPA in Percentage47.5%
5.4 SGPA in Percentage46.5%
5.3 SGPA in Percentage45.5%
5.2 SGPA in Percentage44.5%
5.1 SGPA in Percentage43.5%
5.0 SGPA in Percentage42.5%
4.9 SGPA in Percentage41.5%
4.8 SGPA in Percentage40.5%
4.7 SGPA in Percentage39.5%
4.6 SGPA in Percentage38.5%
4.5 SGPA in Percentage37.5%
4.4 SGPA in Percentage36.5%
4.3 SGPA in Percentage35.5%
4.2 SGPA in Percentage34.5%
4.1 SGPA in Percentage33.5%
4.0 SGPA in Percentage32.5%

How to Calculate Percentage From SGPA Manually

To manually convert your sgpa to percentage, just perform these two steps

  1. Subtract 0.75 from your sgpa.
  2. Then, multiply the result of steps one by 10.
percentage from sgpa

Difference Between SGPA and CGPA

Both are not the same. The main difference is that SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average, while CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average.

sgpa vs cgpa

SGPA To Percentage Conversion Benefit

Here are the following benefits of conversion SGPA to Percentage.

sgpa to percentage conversion benefits

To apply for scholarships

You can use your percentage to apply for scholarships. Most scholarships are merit-based, and you must represent your scores as a percentage.

For Admissions

To gain admission to international or national universities, you need to provide your SGPA percentage.

To Apply for Jobs

It helps you apply for jobs because many require a percentage score. 

To Track Your Performance

SGPA helps you track your overall performance for all semesters.

SGPA to Percentage Calculations for Top Indian Universities

Almost all universities use the same formula for sgpa to percentage converter, but some popular universities use a slightly different formula for calculation.

How to convert SGPA to Percentage at Pune University

According to them, to convert your SGPA/CGPA to a percentage, you need to multiply your grade by 8.8

Percentage = SGPA*8.8

SPPU, VTU, KTU and Gujarat University SGPA to Percentage

According to them, to convert your SGPA/CGPA to a percentage, you need to follow this formula:


If you are a ktu student and want to calculate your sgpa, then you can use our KTU SGPA Calculator.

AKTU SGPA In Percentage

To calculate your Percentage from SGPA at AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University), use the following formula:

Percentage = (SGPA × 10) – 7.5

Mumbai University SGPA Into Percentage

Mumbai University follows this formula to convert SGPA into percentage:

Percentage = SGPA × 7.1

MAKTU SGPA Conversion

For MAKAUT (Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology), the formula is:

Percentage = SGPA × 10

DU University SGPA Calculation

Delhi University uses this formula conversion:

Percentage = SGPA × 9.5

SGPA Into Percentage at Calicut University

Calicut University calculates SGPA into percentage as follows:

Percentage = (SGPA × 10) – 5

SGPA Into Percentage at RGPV

RGPV (Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya) uses the standard formula:

Percentage = (SGPA × 10) – 7.5

Letter Grades Approved by UGC

Percentage of MarksGradeGrade Points
90-100%O (Outstanding)10
80-90%A+ (Excellent)9
70-80%A (Very Good)8
60-70%B+ (Good)7
50-60%B (Average)6
40-50%C (Pass)5
Below 40%F (Fail)0

Tips To Improve SGPA

If you want to improve your sgpa, you must follow these tips. Most people follow them, and as a result, they boost their sgpa.

Create a Study Schedule

Consider a specific time for yourself in which you only study.

Understand the syllabus

Review the syllabus and focus on it while studying. And always review or revise what you learn daily.

Attend Classes

Attend all the classes regularly and consistently participate in class tests or quizzes.

Past Papers

Always practice past papers because many important questions are in them, and these questions repeat themselves in the latest exams.


The SGPA to Percentage calculator allows you to convert or check your SGPA into percentages online in one click. Most of the institutes, colleges, and universities like (MAKAUT, VTU, KTU, Mumbai University, Anna University, Jntuk, UCP, ISP, NUST, AIR, Fast, and many more use the same formula to calculate or convert their SGPA. You can also check out our UAF CGPA Calculator to calculate your CGPA accurately as per the UAF grading system.

Frequently Asked Questions

To find your Percentage, use this formula: [(SGPA * 10)—7.5 = Percentage].

Multiplying your SGPA to 10 and subtracting 7.5 from it [(SGPA x 10) – 7.5= Percentage]

DU (Delhi University) uses this formula: Percentage=SGPA×9.5

An SGPA of 7 is equivalent to approximately 52.5%.

An SGPA of 7 is equivalent to approximately 62.5%.

MG University uses this formula to calculate Percentage=(SGPA−0.5)×10